A Marxist View: How Trump Changes the Game


Marx easily explains the phenomena of Donald Trump–and now Sarah Palin! In Marx’s view, the consciousness of communities and their resources are vital to their success or failure.

A key to Trump-Palin is not rhetoric, but the function of money. Heretofore, money has functioned to buy media time and pay staff to advance a candidate and defeat his or her opponents, but Trump has stood the role of money on its head!

He actually generates money for the media by bringing viewers to screens! More, ad buys are made mainly in local markets and don’t help the national networks. Trump changed the standard: Trump’s candidacy benefits the bottom line of national media corporations.

In the first Republican debate, Fox sold advertising for five times its normal rates! Trump has become a force of politics with a direct revenue benefit.

The second key element of content that Trump offers in his xenophobic, misogynistic world view of glad, sad, weak, and bad is to convince voters they have “bourgeois influence.” That through him, their voices will be heard! White supremacists are making robo-calls in Iowa, on Trump’s behalf.

He deliberately target twin foes: the elite class and working class families of color. He brings together a “lumpen bourgeoisie,” a middle class and a working class whose ideology is vested in the displacement of others. Trump exasperates the false stereotypes of differences through racist and nativist rhetoric. He uses an old South dialectic: he speaks to minorities about their limits. It results in a pragmatic conservatism which allows hate and the appearance of a limited equality to coexist rather than a doctrinaire conservatism that denies its bias and love of the rich.

My Sarah Palin Romance – The New York Times http://nyti.ms/1RD90Yv

One thought on “A Marxist View: How Trump Changes the Game

  1. The flim-flam con is on!!! The grifters’ are here. Come one come all!!!! The wheels are falling off the clown bus!!!!


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