The Kill Is The Thrill

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Dorothea Lange Portrait Photograph. FSA.

On Sept. 16, 2014, I wrote in the Times:“Two of ISIL’s most important drivers are its economic engine and its recruiting.” On June 20, 2015, I wrote about having the right methodology to defeat ISIS: “The straight lines of violence against America have internal, psychological turns that should be reviewed and considered. Disaffected youth–at home and globally–have turned to conquerors and scapegoats, religion, race, inventing themselves through violence.”

Trump plays the perfect ISIL foil by never considering the consequences of his mouth. His meanings are backward, outdated by more than 40 years, but he revels in stupid (assisted by the networks!).

ISIL justifies violent, wanton killing, as a part of a cycle of violence–a response to the West’s long history of invader violence. The radicalized minority listens and looks at the screams of the Western majority for military attacks, bombings, ground troops as calls for campaigns of death.

To ISIL offers of comradeship, narratives of approval, pay, and brides, American youth counters as outliers, lone operators, reveling in defiance–committing suicide after attacks in this new war declared over bad behavior and a god who fines divine favor in death.

Nothing sensible for its defeat will emerge from Trump. Don’t wrap this new thing in the shards of broken, old conventions–it is a product of that brokenness! But it is also a poison from a new stir of the spoon. Put behavior before faith. For one, it puts first the need to kill.

What Doesn’t Get You Suspended From Fox News | Blog | Media Matters for America

*Calling Obama a racist. *Likening Obama to “a skinny, ghetto crackhead.” *Calling Michelle Obama fat. *Wishing somebody would shoot Obama. *Admittedly lying on-air about Obama having “advocated socialism.” *Announcing “all terrorists” are Muslim. *Suggesting George Soros will have you killed. *Habitually lying about your own journalism career. *Calling Black Lives Matter activists “garbage” “sub-human creeps” who are part of a “murder movement.”

*Condemning Obama for “chugging a few 40s” in a pub. *Hypothesizing about the death of Obama’s daughters at Benghazi. *Urging people to “punch” Obama supporters in the face.

*Stating Obama was hosting a “hoodlum in the hizzouse,” when the president of Gabon came to the White House, and having the segment accompanied by a graphic with the words “Hoods in the House.” *Claiming Obama doesn’t want to protect Americans from terrorism. *Promoting anti-Semites. *Saying “Nazis” run public radio in America.

Source: What Doesn’t Get You Suspended From Fox News | Blog | Media Matters for America

Rutgers’s Move to Big Ten Brings Athletic Scandals and Firings – The New York Times

Bob Mulcahy, a former athletic director, said. “You don’t join the Big Ten to lose,” he said. “The question is, what are the standards going to be?”

Source: Rutgers’s Move to Big Ten Brings Athletic Scandals and Firings – The New York Times

The Dirty Work of a Coal Baron Exposed – The New York Times

The United States attorney, R. Booth Goodwin II, won the critical case on safety by working up the corporate ladder to convict four other mine officials and depict Mr. Blankenship as “the kingpin.” “This game is about money,” Mr. Blankenship said in one taped comment. The explosion, which Mr. Blankenship was not accused of directly causing, was traced to flammable gas and coal dust that managers failed to control despite miners’ warnings. The disaster and the trial clearly showed the need for tougher government regulation and inspection of Big Coal. The need for stronger penalties was demonstrated as well by the one year of jail time Mr. Blankenship faces for his role in a disaster that took 29 lives.

Source: The Dirty Work of a Coal Baron Exposed – The New York Times