The Underrated Essence Atkins

essence-atkins-961179689One of the most underrated African-American actors is Essence Atkins who never phones it in, doesn’t go over the top, offers a spirit that shines with good cheer and common sense, and has the best craft of any ensemble player in the modern era.

What makes her a stand out is her timing. Ensemble work has to be relaxed without being boring or slow, pitched right to keep the viewer’s attention, and timed to allow the viewer to join in the journey and believe the work and celebration the imagination.

One of the best all time at this was Stepin Fechit, who commanded attention even as he was painfully slow issuing his dialogue. His slowness had courage: it revealed everyone’s fears while mocking the fear, and challenging the fear in a way that used fear against itself.

In a host of family comedies and movies, Atkins has given us the best timing of her generation, showing its importance and how it improves and holds scripts and casts together. Her invisible measure is like a glue, effortlessly, naturally, she drops lines like a jazz drummer, carrying the dialogue and pace. I love her work.



Essence Atkins and son.

Essence Atkins and son.

Christie’s Off Budget Expenses Mount

Chris Christie continues to play foot loose with taxpayers money by the millions; first, in ordering a special election for the US Senate seat for New Jersey–held 2 weeks before the general election which would have spared taxpayers the added expense. Now comes a million dollar plus report that says an aide told him about the bridge closings and then contradicts its own evidence by saying Christie didn’t “order” the closing. He says he can’t “remember.”

He didn’t stop it, either. He showed no interest until the hot seat, warmed by a NJ Senate investigation and one by the US Attorney’s Office, caused this rushed wave of spending–again to political cronies–to clear his name–while smearing his once closest aides.

Note his reports have a penchant for personal details. High school incidents, the dating life of staff, with hints of moral failure or emotional issues bordering on being out of control–his view of things summoned by well paid lawyers is more fodder for tweeter than decisive evidence of the abuse of power on his watch–which begins with too well paid friends covering Christie’s taxpayer funded follies.

Add the public to those he considers “stupid.”


Everybody Is Singled Out

(In response to a Times reader’s concern that China was being shown in a negative light. /wr)China8train2

With the black guy in the White House the target of spin, and being slimed, slurred, shamed, and in the hearts of some, burned; as others see Putin as the new strong man sent to deliver  righteous comeuppance to the weakling while others “tsk-tsk” and say “we told you so;” with Dennis Rodman gathering frequent flyer miles visiting North Korea, and the Congress busy solving deficits and Benghazi and the US political system put on welfare by Koch brothers’ mega media buys, there doesn’t seem much room for America’s anti- groups to devote time, resources, or passion to China.

Especially since the wallboard scandal has died down and the sale of Smithfield Ham, a treasured institution of America’s culinary tastes, was approved to a Chinese company, despite the flexing on the seas and the near collision of the USS Cowpens with a Chinese Navy ship in December and China’s unilateral announcement of a air defense identification zone which America planes flew through—China seems to have more problems with gold mining in Ghana where a crackdown resulted in seized assets, arrests and detention for numbers of its citizens.
I am hopeful, China’s popular dating show, “If You Are The One,” will soon feature ambitious American women, fluent in Chinese, following the example of the “African Princess.”

China remains a model of global bike sharing and high speed trains. No matter the Times reporting, that will not change.china_highspeed_train_06

Giving Obama Too Much Credit


Russian Victory Day Celebration, May 9.

Russian Victory Day Celebration, May 9.


No evidence supports (except magical thinking!) that Putin or any Russian leaders have based moves or calculated US response into their positions, beginning with the revolution itself, the partitioning of Germany after World War II, the I950s invasions of a several eastern European countries, the placement of missiles in Cuba, the support of insurgencies in Africa, the invasion of Afghanistan, and most recently Chechnya, Georgia, and Ossetia–and that’s the short list!

There is no predictive proof that a country with a long history of using military force within its region, through a variety of governments, under a variety of leaders is tempered by American or European reaction!

History, and facts, show the contrary. Russia plays no zero sum, either/or game; it views its interests singularly. Weighing the importance of the pipelines through Ukraine to the West and the sudden toppling of its puppet, Viktor  Yushchenko (who cut bait), had far more to do with Putin’s moves than any imagined review of Obama’s policies.


Children Marching In A Victory Day Parade.

Putin would be insulted at the idea he contemplated or was influenced by Obama’s policies, rather than clearly taking action on his own, tied to his view of what is best for Russia–faced with a neighbor whose family income had dropped 25% in 20 years and was leaning heavily westward in search of opportunities missing in the 1930s state-owned political economy of Russia.

Putin ignored Barack and did what Russians have always done.